Digital Marketing Blog Articles
What is a Blog Article?
A blog article or blog post allows you to publish insights or information on your website that your readers find useful. When you blog regularly, it establishes your thought leadership and increases the overall credibility of your company.

What Are the Benefits of Having Blog Articles on your Website?
1. Increase Credibility of Your Business. When you produce content that your readers like, you build the trust between the readers and your business. They trust your company more as you establish thought leadership with consistent blogging.
2. Boost Your SEO Performance. Search engines love fresh and relevant content, and blogging is one of the best methods to deliver this. Well-written blog articles will also be shared more often, earning your website tons of natural backlinks.
3. Increase Your Website Traffic. Relevant and useful content gets shared more often, and you will get more referral traffic from other websites.
4. It Helps Convert Traffic Into Leads. With more traffic coming in, insert Call-to-Actions (CTA) to every blog article on your website to convert traffic into leads. Consider offering free e-books or free trials in your blog content and get your readers to download them by providing you with their information.
5. Answer The Most Frequently Asked Questions From Your Readers. Turn each frequently asked question into a blog article with more in-depth information or explanation. This helps to respond to more complex questions where you cannot answer in the FAQ section on your website.
6. Engage Your Existing Readers and Get Them to Return to Your Website. This strengthens the relationship with your existing readers and builds long term benefits for your business.
7. More Sharing on Social Media Channels. Blogging gives you more materials to share on social media. And if your content is good, your followers will share and promote your content.
9. Repurpose Your Blog Article Into Newsletter Content. Blogging also gives you more materials to share with your newsletter subscribers. If you do not have a newsletter on your website, take this opportunity to start now.
10. Signal That Your Business is Active and Alive. Regular blogging shows that your business is alive, especially when you blog on a daily basis.
11. Test Ideas Using Blogging. Blog articles allow you to test out new ideas before it turns into a full-blown marketing campaign or business.
12. Increase Revenue and Profits. Blogging allows you to speak directly to your prospective customers and educate them about your products or services at a more personal level. Educating people is more powerful than hard selling.
What Makes a Good Blog Post?
The first rule of thumb for a good blog post is to add value to your readers. A good blog post is interesting to read and provides educational and helpful information for your readers.
Start off with an enticing blog title to capture your readers’ attention. The introduction should hook the readers, making them want to continue reading your blog post.
Understanding your target audience is key in writing a good blog post. Find out what they like to know about and interests, so you can use this information to think of topics for your blog posts.
Types of Blog Article Content
You can write blog article content in many ways, and here are some of its most common types:
1. Interviews
2. Checklists
3. Latest Industry News
4. Surveys
5. Infographics
6. Guest Posts
7. Case Studies
8. Statistics
9. Technical Specification
10. Current Events
11. Comparisons
12. Video Blogs
13. Behind the Scene Content
14. Inspirational Stories
15. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
16. Contests
17. Event Summary
18. Key Takeaways
19. How-To Guides
20. Reviews of “Top 20” Posts
21. Transcript
22. Gallery or Picture Album
23. Employees Profile
24. Cheat Sheet
25. Curated Content from other Websites
1. Interviews
2. Checklists
3. Latest Industry News
4. Surveys
5. Infographics
6. Guest Posts
7. Case Studies
8. Statistics
9. Technical Specification
10. Current Events
11. Comparisons
12. Video Blogs
13. Behind the Scene Content
14. Inspirational Stories
15. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
16. Contests
17. Event Summary
18. Key Takeaways
19. How-To Guides
20. Reviews of “Top 20” Posts
21. Transcript
22. Gallery or Picture Album
23. Employees Profile
24. Cheat Sheet
25. Curated Content from other Websites
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